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Little Writer app review: helping your kids learn writing techniques



It’s one thing to learn your letters but it's an entirely different thing to actually learn how to write them. The Little Writer app is meant to help kids learn how to write by allowing them to trace the letters. Instead of being overwhelmed and frustrated as they learn to write they'll be busy having fun and not even realize how much they are actually learning.

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Little Writer - The Tracing App for Kids


Mix in Some Fun

Don't you just love, as a parent, to find an app that not only entertains your child but also gives him or her an educational benefit? That's exactly what this app is able to do. I love the sheer simplicity of the app’s design so that the screen is kept clean and minimalist. This allows kids to focus on the task at hand, which is learning to write not just letters but also numbers, shapes, and words.

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The exercises are set up in a really fun and non-stressful way. Kids are given an outline of the shape/letter/number/word that they will be drawing and they follow the line that is displayed with a fun graphic. Simply use your finger to follow the picture graphics and ta da: you’ve just completed the exercise! There is encouragement given along the way and each time they complete their shape/letter/number/word they are congratulated on a job well done. It should also be noted that both uppercase and lowercase letters are included in the app.

The narrated voice lets you know what the letter/shape/word/number is that you’re tracing, adding to the learning experience.


Simple Yet Effective

This app is ideal for kids age three and older who are ready to start learning the basics of writing. It’s an easier approach than with a pencil/crayon and just gives them that base of knowledge to work from when it comes time to be drawing these items on paper. It also helps to build their confidence, which is a key part of learning and retaining information.

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There are a few customization features that allow you to turn the sound on/off, choose the order type of the images, customize individual items and/or sounds. As well you can have the app set up so that kids just swipe the screen to advance to the next challenge.

I find that the music actually adds to the fun of this game and helps to keep things feeling light rather than like a school lesson.


Little Writer - The Tracing App for Kids


Pros and Cons


  • Kid-friendly design that allows them to use it on their own
  • Learn how to write letters, numbers, words, and draw shapes
  • Encouragement from the narrated voice
  • Fun sounds and graphic



  • Some kids may find the app a bit too basic and dull


Final Thoughts

The Little Writer app is a wonderful way for kids to learn how to write and draw shapes in an entertaining and engaging way. I can see how this can definitely help the learning process along for kids and give them the confidence they need.


Little Writer - The Tracing App for Kids

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