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The Shopping Channel app review: shopping made easy



Nowadays there's no need to even leave the comfort of your own home in order to do all your shopping. The Shopping Channel app means you can shop any time and any place and ensure you're getting high-quality products at a reasonable price.

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Convenient and Fun

The Shopping Channel app is about making your shopping experience simple, quick, and fun. You'll find all the Shopping Channel products listed on the mobile app and you can also check out the entire catalog. Set up your account so that you can manage it from the mobile app.

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Launch the app to shop in such popular categories as technology, home and living, health and fitness, fashion, beauty, and what's new. If you have a particular brand or item in mind you can perform a search on it instead.

When viewing your search results you can sort them by name, brand, or price. Scroll through the list and then tap on a product to read more details on it and purchase it. There are also filters that you can apply such as looking for items in a particular price range or from a particular brand only.

Your cart can be viewed at any point so you know exactly what you've got.

The whole experience is meant to be fun, engaging, and easy so that you can quickly purchase items from home or take your time researching them and reading up on a variety of items available.


Manage Your Account

Use the mobile app to manage your account; you can do this from the computer or the app. In order to access the My Account section you will of course need to create an account first.

The best shopping apps for iPad

When viewing a product you can add it to your Wishlist, email it to a friend/family member, write a review, and read other customer comments. Many of the products feature a gallery of photos that you can view. You can zoom in on the items for a closer look at details and features.

If you happen to have a gift card you can enter it in as payment; the same goes for any discount code you may have.

The user interface has a very clean and uncluttered feel to it. It does feel a bit lacking. Perhaps some interactive features would help out.


Pros and Cons


  • Easy to use
  • Search for items by name, brand, or price
  • Shop in a number of popular categories
  • Access the entire Shopping Channel catalog
  • Share items by email
  • Add items to your Wishlist
  • Manage your account from the mobile app



  • The app could do with a bit of a facelift; maybe some interactive features so it feels more modern


Final Words

The Shopping Channel app is meant for fans of the popular station giving people a way to shop from any location and any time. The app itself is very easy and fun to use and I like that you can view so many details about products. 


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